This is a commission I finished a couple of weeks ago. It is an ink drawing of a house on Flathead Lake, with two ink colors to show the red flowers on the deck. It was a lot of fun. Most of the time I do ink drawings is when I'm doodling while watching a movie or keeping my hands busy at church. I really ought to do things like this more!
I'm working on another commission of three horses standing at a fence. I'm REALLY excited about how this one is turning out so far. I can't wait to share it a bit later.
But to keep the creative juices flowing, I have to eek out a bit of time to work on something I want to. So here is my newest piece, Fire In His Eye, along with the study I did to give me an idea of layout. I ended up cropping in closer to give the impression of his power and size and he leaps to the side. I want to do some large scale horse paintings. Horses, I know, how original. But they are my favorite thing to paint and I just love love love them. Hopefully I'll be able to paint all the ideas and I'll have a couple of submission pieces for juried competitions.
Fire In His Eye, 22x30
Your ink drawing is really special...I know the clients loved it! I love your horses and the colors you used. Always enjoy seeing your work and am inspired by it!
Why Thank you Egretta! :D
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