Saturday, January 4, 2014

1st of 2014

It's a super snowy day. I wanted to get out and snowshoe in Glacier but, alas, too many chores remain to be finished. I'm taking down my Christmas tree, need to clean up my apartment, and take my ever growing donation pile to Goodwill.

I finished a painting the other day. It is the first piece of 2014! I don't do many landscapes....I don't really feel they are my strong suit. So, my artistic goal for 2014 is become more comfortable at painting landscapes!

I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your weekend!

Iceberg, 10x18


Egretta Wells blog said...

I like it, Kim. I feel like I am in it when I look at it. I think it is the way the sunny foreground beacons one to the mountains. Well done!

Kim Shirley said...

Thanks Egretta! :D