Sometimes, I look at the art and think, 'GOSH. I'm never going to be that good.' Other times I'll look at a painting or two and think, 'I'm TOTALLY better. Totally.' (I KNOW I'm not really better than someone or worse than them....I just have so much more to learn and ways I need to grow as an artist). The point is, I'm looking at my contemporaries and letting myself absorb the simple truth that while I have my own unique style and approach to a subject, not to get stuck in a rut. Try new things, keep things fresh.... Paint what I love but don't get complaicent. Plus, it's just fun to look at great art!!!!
So, In my trolling this afternoon (when I should've been taking a well deserved Sunday Afternoon Nap) I came across an artist name Bill Owen. WOW, BILL IS AMAZING!!! Like, I-wanna-be-like-him-when-I-grow-up amazing. I came across a piece he did of a couple horses standing on a grassy hillside with a starlight sky behind them. WHOA.
lemme say that again.... W H O A
It was A.W.E.S.O.M.E! The colors, the simplicity, and those STARS. I immediatly wanted to try even see if I could pull off an image like that. I don't have ANY reference photos of a horse/cow/etc. at night (got of some great ones of Whitefish City Beach though ;)!!!)
So, I pulled out a reference photo of two calves I've been meaning to paint and gave it go as a night scene. It's 8x11. It was fun. I liked how it turned out (went off of memory of that painting I came across of Bill's) I thought it was a pretty solid piece until I looked at Bill's again and I can see SO many much needed changes/improvements. Let's be honest, if it wasn't for the 'stars' (which compaired to Bill's look very 3rd grade btw) it could easily pass as a any piece in daylight or during a storm. This is something I definetly want to learn about. Capturing color, light and life in a muted setting and having it read as night.
It was a fun experiment! Maybe you'll get to see more stary pictures in the future (but I still need to finish another daisy, rock, and cow painting. Yikes, I have my work cut out for me!!!)
This is cute. I do agree with you that the sky does not really look like night. More like a storm brewing or possibly early evening. But knowing you, you will get it and do it very well.
Very good painting! Have never done a night scene (on purpose!) and think they would be hard - but go for it! Thank you for sharing the website, his paintings are amazing.
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