Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pushing New Boundaries

So, I LOVE to troll the internet for upcoming shows, exhibitions, artist opportunities and such in the western art world. I also look at what other artists are doing by checking out Legacy Gallery's website, Trailside Gallery's website, and artist pages for Cowboy Artists of America and such. It's very inspirational and reminds me not to settle.

Sometimes, I look at the art and think, 'GOSH. I'm never going to be that good.' Other times I'll look at a painting or two and think, 'I'm TOTALLY better. Totally.' (I KNOW I'm not really better than someone or worse than them....I just have so much more to learn and ways I need to grow as an artist). The point is, I'm looking at my contemporaries and letting myself absorb the simple truth that while I have my own unique style and approach to a subject, not to get stuck in a rut. Try new things, keep things fresh.... Paint what I love but don't get complaicent. Plus, it's just fun to look at great art!!!!

So, In my trolling this afternoon (when I should've been taking a well deserved Sunday Afternoon Nap) I came across an artist name Bill Owen. WOW, BILL IS AMAZING!!! Like, I-wanna-be-like-him-when-I-grow-up amazing. I came across a piece he did of a couple horses standing on a grassy hillside with a starlight sky behind them. WHOA.

lemme say that again.... W H O A

It was A.W.E.S.O.M.E! The colors, the simplicity, and those STARS. I immediatly wanted to try even see if I could pull off an image like that. I don't have ANY reference photos of a horse/cow/etc. at night (got of some great ones of Whitefish City Beach though ;)!!!)

So, I pulled out a reference photo of two calves I've been meaning to paint and gave it go as a night scene. It's 8x11. It was fun. I liked how it turned out (went off of memory of that painting I came across of Bill's) I thought it was a pretty solid piece until I looked at Bill's again and I can see SO many much needed changes/improvements. Let's be honest, if it wasn't for the 'stars' (which compaired to Bill's look very 3rd grade btw) it could easily pass as a any piece in daylight or during a storm. This is something I definetly want to learn about. Capturing color, light and life in a muted setting and having it read as night.

It was a fun experiment! Maybe you'll get to see more stary pictures in the future (but I still need to finish another daisy, rock, and cow painting. Yikes, I have my work cut out for me!!!)


Mom said...

This is cute. I do agree with you that the sky does not really look like night. More like a storm brewing or possibly early evening. But knowing you, you will get it and do it very well.

debwardart said...

Very good painting! Have never done a night scene (on purpose!) and think they would be hard - but go for it! Thank you for sharing the website, his paintings are amazing.