Thursday, February 21, 2013

Number 100

I noticed, just before I pressed the new post button, that this will be my 100th post!!!! EEEEEEE! (*she squeals in excitement*) I'm not the best blogger. I've had this blog for years now and there were times I wouldn't post for months at a time. One year I think I posted 4 times. My goal last year was to be a better blogger and actually take this seriously and give it the respect it deserves. I update my website often, but I feel knowing a little something behind the image is just as important as the image least, that is how I feel when it comes to other artists/friends/awesome bloggers I follow. It's nice to know what's going on in their heads and why they do the things they do and what makes them tick. Makes me feel like a special friend, even if I've never met the blogger I'm following.

Soooooooooo, that being said, I painted more horses. I actually wasn't planning on painting at all. I was going to go to the gym and spend 4 hours kicking my trash as I received a 1 week membership to the only (and SUPER expensive) gym in town that I no longer have a membership to because it's so pricy. I dunno what you're thoughts are, but $55 a month is kinda steep. And that's the price if you have a year contract. It's more if you have a 6 month contract and close to $80 if you are on a month to month. I do miss having a Golds Gym nearby. *Sigh* I've had the desire to work out this past month but haven't. Perhaps it's the cold. The last thing I want to do is go running in the snow and ice. And the thought of getting my butt in gear isn't as enticing as putting pigment and water to paper.

So, I was going to paint a cow, buffalo, and a grizzly bear, but was just in the mood to paint my favorite animal. Maybe, I'll paint those others this weekend. After my lengthy introduction to the images, I have to gush and say thanks for following and helping me get to post number 100! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is piece, 'White', is 10x12 and was inspired by a smaller version I did a couple of days ago. The small version had a yellow background. I'm thinking I might do this same horse in a variety of different colors, gold, sienna, grey, black, spotted as an Appy or Paint. Dunno yet. Maybe that'll be a good project for the weekend. Hmmmmm....

This piece 'Flicker' is 4x12

This piece is 5x6


Anonymous said...

your artwork always amazes me. What beautiful paintings, once again. I don't know where you live, but I live in Texas and all the big buildings downtown have horse artwork in should look into selling your work in Fort Worth!!

Kim Shirley said...

WOW! Super thanks...for the really nice comment and the suggestion!!! I looked up some art festivals to see what was near Fort Worth and found that one of the top 20 art festivals in the country is there. I'm SO going to apply for next years show. THANK YOU for the suggestion of looking into selling my work there. :D :D :D Brillant!