Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Before Boundaries, 22x30

Wel, finishing that piece of the mountain goat really inspired me and I started looking through all of the pictures I've taken in Glacier with the idea to paint images using those photos as reference for the background. I have this sketch of a horse I've been doing over and over and was planning on doing a painting of some sort with it and then I happened to look at my bookshelf and there was a copy of one of Bev Doolittle's books and that got me thinking...I have a photo from Glacier that looks very Bev-Doolittle-backgroundy and I wanna paint this horse...I could totally do a Bev Doolittle inspired piece! So, I worked on it all weekend long and finally finished it this evening.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little dissapointed and this is why. I have at 5 full sheets of 300lb watercolor paper left and have been meaning to paint on it again. The first couple of times were dissapointing and I've avoided the paper for 6 years. Yup, I've been hauling that paper around with me trying to build up the gumpton to try giving it another go. It just doesn't hold the color intensity or allow the paint to move like the paper I prefer (which is Arches 140lb CP or Fabriano Artistico 140lb SP, CP, RP) which is why I haven't used it. I was given the paper as a gift and was super excited at the time, as I had heard wonderful things about 300lb WC paper. I'm really not impressed.

But as with any try/fail, it is an opportunity to grow, learn, and take what you can from the experience. Besides, If I keep experimenting with it, I may learn to appreciate the unique quirks and make it work for me.


Jessica Glenn said...

I don't think you should be dissapointed at all. This scene is very striking! A bit different than what you usually do it seems. This really draws you in to try and figure out the story. When you mentioned Bev Dolittle I totally saw it! I learned on 300lb. Arches and won a whole bunch of 140lb. and have been trying to make the transition. So I know how you feel. The color does seem brighter on 140lb. but for me, 300lb. holds the water on the surface longer so I can move it around more. I don't soak 300lb. do you?

Kim Shirley said...

You learned on 300lb? WHOA! You are amazing Jess!!!! I guess you just get used to certain things and it's so hard break away from what you're used to... No, I don't soak the paper. I'm one of those that likes to dive right into a painting so I never soak!!! It does mean I have to press a painting if it is really warped, but I don't mind too much. :)